TJH Systems Ltd was founded in 2015 by Tim Hookway, a passionate garage owner that poured his heart into creating a successful garage where customer satisfaction is paramount, but like most of you looking at this site now he became frustrated with the vast amount of tedious and time consuming paperwork.
He knew change was needed!
Having looked at other software solutions he found that nothing quite fulfilled his needs, or had the necessary safe guards to avoid some of the pitfalls all garages fall foul of, and so began the journey of creating his own software, from scratch!
Running a garage himself, he had the knowledge and insight to be able to set the framework for what was required, much like running a garage its important to get feedback from employees and to look at things from more that one perspective, and so when it came to developing the software he gained insight from talking to other garage owners about the challenges they faced, now with a small team that ethos has carried on and remains at our core today, by listening to ALL our customers and incorporating feedback, we hope to deliver software that really works for you and is tuneable to your needs.
We develop software to help you run your garage smarter than ever before and more, whether you require advice, new computers, printers, or other business software, we've got you covered!
Simply talk to us about where you are now and what what you would like to achieve and we'll help you as much as possible to get you there.
This industry is hard enough as it, we continue to operate a garage so we know exactly the sort of challenges we, and you face! We are a true believer in working smarter NOT harder.
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